
Putting people at the center of our business

Our targets
Part of CETIN Bulgaria’s fabric is the desire to understand, care for and support people - it is a driver and motivator. We are dedicated to improve interaction with all our employees, thus gaining insight into their motivation and passions and how to help them be their best selves at the company. The company can proudly highlight its strong gender balance with women in leadership. CETIN Bulgaria is also a strong advocate for professional development both for all employees by providing them with requested trainings and by building strong and lasting partnerships with educational institutions across the country. We also aim at continuously improve customer engagement processes to help us collect and incorporate feedback and continually improve our services and range of products. 

Regular employee surveys 

We have achieved 60% participation in company surveys and continue improving that percentage annually.

Robust well-being program 

The well-being program is designed with a strong emphasis on enhancing the overall physical and mental health of employees. Simultaneously, the program aims to foster a healthy work-life balance for all employees. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including sports matches, exercises, seminars, and workshops on healthy eating, and mental health. 

0 workplace injuries 

We are actively conducting secure injury prevention programs in place designed to keep injuries classified as severe or fatal at zero.

Equal opportunities for everyone 

Taking care of the development of all employees is a cornerstone of CETIN Bulgaria. We will be establishing a Establish a Talent development programme, which will aim at supporting the talents of our employees and helping them be their best selves. 

Educating our Employees

Educating our employees on the topic of ESG is essential to driving positive changes within our surrounding environment. By guiding them through the main topics related to ESG, we support our employees’ understanding of how the company is working towards protecting the environment, supporting social well-being, and upholding ethical governance. We also hope to empower individuals to actively contribute to these goals, fostering a unified and positive impact.

Progress highlights 

Regular employee surveys 

We have achieved 64 % participation in our regular employee engagement survey in 2024, addressing the most frequent concerns of our employees as a response to their feedback.

Robust well-being program 

In 2024, as part of the popular among all employees CETIN Wellbeing program, we organized a significant amount of diverse activities– tennis tournaments, nature runs, hiking, cycling, various mental and physical health sessions with subject matter experts.

1 workplace injuries 

In 2024, we had 1 employee injuries classified as severe or fatal.

Equal opportunities for everyone

We have introduced DEI policy and upskilled our top managers in combating unconscious biases via 2 day dedicated trainning program. 

Educating our Employees

Since November 2023, more than 60% of our employees have finalized the 5 modules of the ESG trainings series, with all of our top management having completed the entirety of the materials.

Impact stories

Follow our steps towards sustainability and carbon neutrality 
Managing traffic - electricity ratio
Managing traffic - electricity ratio – Almost 5 times improvement of the network’s energy efficiency on the last 5 years. At first glance, there seems to be no significant connection between watching TV series on streaming platforms and generating carbon emissions. The path by which video content reaches us, however, requires a significant amount of electricity - from the storage of base stations, the transfer of data between them and data centers, the transmission of signals to the device at home, etc. And the energy used has its own impact on the environment.
With 5G Balkans, we are building the future! The project team presented 5G Balkans in front of students fro the Technical University in Sofia
With 5G Balkans, we are building the future! On Monday, Boyan Lazarov and Ilian Tumbev presented the project to fourth-year Telecommunications students at Technical University of Sofia. The colleagues shared the project's goals and TU Sofia's key role as part of the Consortium. Prof. Iliya Iliev from TU outlined the measurements, analyses, and reports conducted by the university for the optical cable and base station coverage.
5G Balkans
In 2024 CETIN Bulgaria started the 5G Balkans project to improve the optic connectivity along the cross-border transport corridor Sofia – Serbia (part of the Orient/East-Med TEN-T corridor) by enabling the development of 5G services required for CAM (Connected & Automated Mobility).

Documents for download

Download respective documents for this area
Quality management
CETIN BG 9001 2015 en
CETIN BG quality policy
Health and safety management
Health and Safety Policy
Certificate for Health and Safety Management Systems (ISO45001)
IT services management
CETIN BG 20000 1 2018 en
CETIN BG it services policy