
Reducing our impact on the environment

Our targets
In addition to reducing our own environmental footprint, we also engage with employees, customers, and suppliers to be more environmentally conscious. To allocate its resource efficiently, the CETIN Bulgaria has prioritized decarbonization, energy efficiency and climate change, waste management, and the circular economy as focus areas for its environmental strategy.

Ambition of at least 50% share of renewable energy by 2027

We aim to deliver our emission reduction commitment by primarily procuring renewable energy that shall have dominant share in our electricity consumption.

Set SBTi target by 2024

We will actively support our holding company PPF TG set a SBTi target within the next      6 months for both Scope 1 + 2 and Scope 3 emissions. Our support will ensure once  SBTi targets are set, they will be met.

Ambition to reduce emissions by 40 % in Scopes 1 and 2 by 2030

We will prepare a comprehensive program to enable us to reduce greenhouse gases emissions with primary focus on increasing purchases of clean and low emission-intensive energies. We will also invest in energy efficiency equipment such as technology modernization, power supply, and cooling.

Progressively reduce electricity consumption reaching                                                  6 GWh savings annually by 2025

We will continue to  invest in energy efficiency solutions and equipment like our solar panel projects for the data centres in Sofia and Plovdiv, our technology modernization, allowing us to save substantial amount of electricity consumption.

Reuse, resell or recycle 100% of decommissioned network equipment by 2025

We will ensure that all our decommissioned network equipment and other network waste will either be reused, resold, or recycled to ensure no such waste ends in landfill or in incineration.

Our targets
In addition to reducing our own environmental footprint, we also engage with employees, customers, and suppliers to be more environmentally conscious. To allocate its resource efficiently, the CETIN Bulgaria has prioritized decarbonization, energy efficiency and climate change, waste management, and the circular economy as focus areas for its environmental strategy.

Ambition of at least 100% share of renewable energy by 2030

We aim to deliver our emission reduction commitment by primarily procuring renewable energy that shall have dominant share in our electricity consumption.

Set SBTi target by 2024

We will actively support our holding company e& PPF TG set a SBTi target within the next      6 months for both Scope 1 + 2 and Scope 3 emissions. Our support will ensure once  SBTi targets are set, they will be met.

Ambition to reduce emissions by 85 % in Scopes 1 and 2 by 2030

We will prepare a comprehensive program to enable us to reduce greenhouse gases emissions with primary focus on increasing purchases of clean and low emission-intensive energies. We will also invest in energy efficiency equipment such as technology modernization, power supply, and cooling.

Progressively reduce electricity consumption reaching 6 GWh savings annually by 2025

We will continue to  invest in energy efficiency solutions and equipment like our solar panel projects for the data centres in Sofia and Plovdiv, our technology modernization, allowing us to save substantial amount of electricity consumption.

Reuse, resell or recycle 100% of decommissioned network equipment by 2025

We will ensure that all our decommissioned network equipment and other network waste will either be reused, resold, or recycled to ensure no such waste ends in landfill or in incineration.

Progress highlights

Ambition of at least 50% share of renewable energy by 2027 

CETIN Bulgaria concluded a 10-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Electrohold, Bulgaria´s leading renewable energy trader - delivering already 21,7 GWh of renewable electricity in 2023 allowing CETIN Bulgaria to source more than 80% of electricity from renewable resources from September 2023.  

Set SBTi target by 2024 

Our holding company PPF Telecom Group has publicly committed to set near-term company-wide emission reductions in line with climate science with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and we are taking a key role in this commitment. We have evaluated feasibility of meeting SBTi targets, including steps necessary for validation of these targets by SBTi once they are submitted.  

Ambition to reduce emissions by 40 % in Scopes 1 and 2 by 2030 

Sourcing of renewable energy from September 2023 enabled by PPA with Eelctrohod allowed us to save approximately 11.210 CO2 t in 2023. 

Progressively reduce electricity consumption reaching 6 GWh savings annually by 2025 

We are running a robust energy efficiency program that is, as of 31.12.2023, already delivering approximately 3.4 GWh annual saving in electricity consumption. These savings are reached through initiatives such as smart cooling, power saving features implemented in our RAN networks and replacement of technology for more energy efficient. 

Reuse, resell or recycle 100% of decommissioned network equipment by 2025 

We are working on a guidance that will assure we always seek the reuse of equipment we have dismantled and only if we cannot find secondary purpose of use, we allow to opt for resell or recycling. 

Progress highlights

Ambition of at least 100% share of renewable energy by 2030

CETIN Bulgaria concluded a 10-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Electrohold, Bulgaria´s leading renewable energy trader - delivering already 21,7 GWh of renewable electricity in 2023 allowing CETIN Bulgaria to source more than 80% of electricity from renewable resources from September 2023.

Set SBTi target by 2024

Our holding company e& PPF Telecom Group has publicly committed to set near-term company-wide emission reductions in line with climate science with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and we are taking a key role in this commitment. We have evaluated feasibility of meeting SBTi targets, including steps necessary for validation of these targets by SBTi once they are submitted.

Ambition to reduce emissions by 85 % in Scopes 1 and 2 by 2030

Sourcing of renewable energy from September 2023 enabled by PPA with Eelctrohod allowed us to save approximately 11.210 CO2 t in 2023. 

Progressively reduce electricity consumption reaching 6 GWh savings annually by 2025

We are running a robust energy efficiency program that is, as of 31.12.2023, already delivering approximately 3.4 GWh annual saving in electricity consumption. These savings are reached through initiatives such as smart cooling, power saving features implemented in our RAN networks and replacement of technology for more energy efficient.

Reuse, resell or recycle 100% of decommissioned network equipment by 2025

We are working on a guidance that will assure we always seek the reuse of equipment we have dismantled and only if we cannot find secondary purpose of use, we allow to opt for resell or recycling.

Impact stories

Follow our steps towards sustainability and carbon neutrality 
Managing traffic - electricity ratio
Managing traffic - electricity ratio – Almost 5 times improvement of the network’s energy efficiency on the last 5 years. At first glance, there seems to be no significant connection between watching TV series on streaming platforms and generating carbon emissions. The path by which video content reaches us, however, requires a significant amount of electricity - from the storage of base stations, the transfer of data between them and data centers, the transmission of signals to the device at home, etc. And the energy used has its own impact on the environment.
With 5G Balkans, we are building the future! The project team presented 5G Balkans in front of students fro the Technical University in Sofia
With 5G Balkans, we are building the future! On Monday, Boyan Lazarov and Ilian Tumbev presented the project to fourth-year Telecommunications students at Technical University of Sofia. The colleagues shared the project's goals and TU Sofia's key role as part of the Consortium. Prof. Iliya Iliev from TU outlined the measurements, analyses, and reports conducted by the university for the optical cable and base station coverage.
5G Balkans
In 2024 CETIN Bulgaria started the 5G Balkans project to improve the optic connectivity along the cross-border transport corridor Sofia – Serbia (part of the Orient/East-Med TEN-T corridor) by enabling the development of 5G services required for CAM (Connected & Automated Mobility).

Documents for download

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Environmental management 
Environmental Policy
Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) Certificate