5G Balkans - cetin.bg
Read the stories of those who drive CETIN Bulgaria.
5G Balkans
In 2024 CETIN Bulgaria started the 5G Balkans project to improve the optic connectivity along the cross-border transport corridor Sofia – Serbia (part of the Orient/East-Med TEN-T corridor) by enabling the development of 5G services required for CAM (Connected & Automated Mobility).
The project’s main goals are:
- Fewer traffic jams
- Fuel optimization - automated driving systems may reduce unnecessary braking and acceleration that waste fuel
- Reduced Greenhouse gases emissions due to unnecessary idling
- Better land use - vehicles with fully automated driving systems may be able to travel more closely together
- Safer transport systems
- Closing gaps in public transport
- Progress in industries and innovation
More on 5G Balkans here - https://www.cetinbg.bg/w/looking-to-the-future-cetin-bulgaria-is-building-the-bulgarian-part-of-the-cross-border-transport-corridor-bulgaria-serbia.